Proposal 31: 9C.5 Removing Scores [ Revision 2 ]

Committee: X-Style
Submitted on 2019-05-04
Status: Passed on May 20, 2019


I hope this rule doesn't have to be used but i would wish that there's a rule that allows the chief judge to cross out a judges ranking if it's completly out of place after talking to that judge and letting him explain his ranking.

Cause of the different styles the ranking will always differ quite a lot so it's a big resposibility to give to the chief judge. This rule is only meant for extreme cases that hopefully won't happen.



9C.4 Judging

…(long section)...

Negative aspects like dismounts are ignored. Every judge should use blank sheets of paper to take notes.


The highest and the lowest placing points per rider are discarded. All the remaining placing points get summed up for each rider. The 3 riders with the fewest points win and advance to the next round.




9C.4 Judging

…(long section)...

Negative aspects like dismounts are ignored. Every judge should use blank sheets of paper to take notes.


9C.5 Removing Scores

The highest and the lowest placing points per rider are discarded. All the remaining placing points get summed up for each rider. The 3 riders with the fewest points win and advance to the next round.


Additionally, the Chief Judge has the power to remove scores only if they are deemed to be biased, inaccurate, or another extreme case.


This rule gives the Chief Judge the power to remove scores in extreme cases. It also reorganizes the other removing of scores information.



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Change Log:

Revision 2 changed by Scott Wilton (05 May 09:50)

Restructure the rule a bit.

Revision 1 changed by Lisa Schubert (04 May 14:43)

Votes on this proposal:

13 out of 11 voting members have voted.

Agree: 13, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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