allowing the chief judge to cross out a judges ranking if it's completly out of place

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

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I hope this rule doesn't have to be used but i would wish that there's a rule that allows the chief judge to cross out a judges ranking if it's completly out of place after talking to that judge and letting him explain his ranking.

Cause of the different styles the ranking will always differ quite a lot so it's a big resposibility to give to the chief judge. This rule is only meant for extreme cases that hopefully won't happen.


I'm in favor of this rule. I think we can copy text from the Artistic Freestyle chapter. 

    7C.5.1 Removing Scores

    All of the judges scores must be kept. The Chief Judge has the power to remove scores
    only if they are deemed to be biased, inaccurate, or another extreme case.

I don't think we need the first sentence because it's a reference to old Artistic Freestyle judging where some scores were dropped.


I agree, I think copying the artistic freestyle chapter minus the first sentence works well.


What about generally removing the highest and lowest scores from the ranking? We had that in place for freestyle a few years ago and it worked pretty well. 


Taking away the highest and lowest score is already apart of scoring X-Style. See Rule 9C.4 


  1. The highest and the lowest placing points per rider are discarded. All the remaining placing points get summed up for each rider. The 3 riders with the fewest points win and advance to the next round.


Marie makes a good point that it's a little confusing to not have the two score removal sections next to each other. Is it okay if I update the proposal with a small restructuring including 9C.4?


I actually just went ahead and restructured the rule, keeping the same text that we had before. Please let me know if anyone has any issues with this change. Just trying to speed things along!


Looks good to me.


"Additionally, the Chief Judge has the power to remove scores only if they are deemed to be biased, inaccurate, or another extreme case." <– I think that's rather passive.

Could we use more active tense, like "The chief judge should review the scores given and can discard scores from a judge that differs considerably from the other judges and could be considered biased or inaccurate. This should only be done in extreme cases yada yada". Also, if the scores from a certain judge is removed I guess that should be done before the best and worst scores are removed for each rider?


I disagree strongly. Striking out a score is and should be a last resort. This stronger language is not needed and the chief judge can intervene when necessary. 

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