Proposal 26: Definition of X-Style 9A.1 [ Revision 2 ]

Committee: X-Style
Submitted on 2019-04-25
Status: Passed on May 16, 2019


Current definition was not descriptive.


9A.1 Definition
In X-Style, starting groups of ten or fewer riders compete against each other, and the three best riders advance to the next round. Competitors only care about skills. Riders are given a 1 or 2 minute run to show off their best skills. In the final round, the three best riders become the winners of the competition. Judges will be selected from other starting groups or from non-competing volunteers.


9A.1 Definition
X-Style is an event for riders to show off their most difficult skills. Riders can show their own style with creativity and ingenuity. The competitors are judged solely on the skills that they complete. Performance and falls do not count like in other freestyle competitions.

In X-Style, starting groups of ten or fewer riders compete against each other, and the top three riders advance to the next round. Riders show off their best skills in an individual run that is between 1 and 2 minutes in length based on the round. Judges will be selected from other starting groups or from non-competing volunteers.


This description explains the competition at a high level.

See Discussion #69



View Discussion

Change Log:

Revision 2 changed by Connie Cotter (05 May 10:25)

Took out the word "freestyle" in the first sentence as discussed in #86

Revision 1 changed by Connie Cotter (25 Apr 10:49)

Votes on this proposal:

11 out of 11 voting members have voted.

Agree: 10, Disagree: 1, Abstain: 0.

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