Proposal 25: 9B.5.5 Run Length [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: X-Style
Submitted on 2019-04-25
Status: Passed on May 11, 2019


A proposal to change and simplify the wording of rule 9B.5.5 in order to clarify an official format.


Old Rule (9B.5.5 Run Length)

This is the recommended format: The length of a competitor’s run is determined by the round. • If three or more rounds: 1st round: 1 minute Intermediate rounds: 1 minute 30 seconds Finals: 2 minutes. • If two rounds: 1st round: 1 minute 30 seconds Finals: 2 minutes • If one round: 2 minutes


New Rule (9B.5.5 Run Length)

The length of a competitor's run is determined by the round:

- Final Round: 2 minutes
- Semi-final round: 1 min 30 seconds
- Previous rounds: 1 minute

If fewer there are three rounds, use only the run lengths that are relevant.

Example: If there is one round, it is considered the final round, and would be 2 minutes in length.

In smaller competitors, the director may alter the run lengths due to time constraints.



The new rule removes "This is the recommended format", simplifies the description of run lengths, adds an example to clarify round lengths, and indicates that the director may alter run lengths due to time constraints.



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Votes on this proposal:

11 out of 11 voting members have voted.

Agree: 10, Disagree: 1, Abstain: 0.

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