Potential Rule Change: Recommended Run Length

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

Comments about this discussion:




9B.5.5 Run Length

This is the recommended format: The length of a competitor’s run is determined by the round.

• If three or more rounds: 1st round: 1 minute Intermediate rounds: 1 minute 30 seconds Finals: 2 minutes.

• If two rounds: 1st round: 1 minute 30 seconds Finals: 2 minutes

• If one round: 2 minutes

Change: Change the wording of "This is the recommended format: The length of a competitor’s run is determined by the round" to "The length of a competitor’s run is determined by the round".


I think that removing the recommendation part would make the run lengths more official and less confusing. In the past, organizers have been confused about the run length times, and if we have one designated, rather than "recommended", format, the lengths of the runs would be more clear. 



This could also be simplified:


The length of a competitor's run is determined by the round:

- Final Round: 2 minutes
- Semi-final round: 1 min 30 seconds
- Previous rounds: 1 minute

If fewer there are three rounds, use only the run lengths that are relevant. In smaller competitors, the director may alter the run lengths due to time constraints.



I like this simplified version.


I might add a little for clarification.


"If there are fewer than three rounds, use only the run lengths that are relevant.

Example: If there is one round, it is considered the final round, and would be 2 minutes in length"



I like the simplified version including the example


Are there any more comments for this section? If not, I'll make a proposal for review and vote.



Go for it!


Proposal looks good to me. :)


No comments from me, the proposal looks good and I like it.

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