Proposal 8: Proper playing of advantage rule. [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Hockey
Submitted on 2018-11-11
Status: Passed on December 07, 2018


The rulebook doesnt mention how to play advantages and whether or not a player should be penalised after advantage is played.


Old Rule

14B.6 Penalties

In every instance of a violation of the rules the Referee must penalize the offending team, unless the Referee decides not to interrupt the game (advantage).


New Rule

14B.6 Penalties

In every instance of a violation of the rules the Referee must penalize the offending team or play the advantage. When playing the advantage the referee does not blow the whistle but should display the hand sign for a free shot and shout “Advantage!” In the event that an advantage was not gained, the referee should enforce the appropriate penalty from the initial point of infringement or, when the penalty has occurred within the goal area, the closest corner mark or 1 m in front of goal line. Additionally, at the referee’s discretion, offending players may be sent off after advantage has been played. The referee should not enforce this penalty until the offending team gains possession of the ball and should resume the game with a face off at the point of possession changeWhen two or more players fall and/or it is unclear whether a foul occurred, the Referees can interrupt the game and restart it with a face-off.


This covers the advantage rule and how to play it. It says if there is no advantage to play the appropriate penalty (6.5m, penalty goal, free shot) from the initial point of infringement unless it was within the goal area in which case it will be from the corner mark or 1m in front of goal line.



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Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 11 voting members have voted.

Agree: 9, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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