Proposal 79: Unicycle classes in Road race disciplines [ Revision 3 ]

Committee: Road
Submitted on 2019-05-23
Status: Passed on June 09, 2019


The sentence that Standard unicycles must be used, is deleted.

Checking of wheel size and crank length is added, as it will probably be deleted from 1D.1, Definitions.
A remark about tire pressure is added, as well as a reference to the rule about using multiple unicycles for a single race.



4B.2 Unicycles

Only standard unicycles may be used. Riders may use different unicycles for different racing events, as long as all comply with the rules for events in which they are entered.

24 Class and smaller wheels are not allowed for races longer than 20km without express permission of the racing director.

The following chart defines the unicycle size limitations.

Unicycle Class Max Diameter Min Crank Length Transmission
16 Class 418mm 89mm standard
20 Class 518mm 100mm standard
24 Class 618mm 125mm standard
29 Class 778mm No limit standard
Unlimited Class No limit No limit unlimited


4B.2 Unicycles

Riders may use different unicycles for different racing events, as long as all comply with the rules for events in which they are entered. See 4B.5.7 for the rules around using multiple unicycles in a single race.

For Unicon, if a 10 km race is organised, it must have two categories: 24 Class (including 20 Class for riders under 11 years old) and Unlimited Class. For other conventions than Unicon, this is recommended.

For Unicon, if a 42.195 km race and/or a 100 km race is organised, it must have two categories: 29 Class and Unlimited Class. For other conventions than Unicon, this is recommended.

Using 24 Class and smaller wheels is not allowed in races longer than 20km without express permission of the racing director.
The following chart defines the unicycle size limitations.

Unicycle Class | Diameter Range | Min Crank Length | Transmission
16 Class | maximum 418mm | 89mm | standard
20 Class | larger than 418 mm, maximum 518mm | 100mm | standard
24 Class | larger than 518 mm, maximum 618mm | 125mm | standard
29 Class | larger than 618 mm, maximum 778mm | No limit | standard
Unlimited Class | No limit | No limit | unlimited

Any unicycles in question must be checked for compliance within their wheel class (wheel diameter, crank length and gearing), with the tire pressure that will be used in the race. Preferably, this check is carried out immediately before the race.

Unless otherwise specified, it is allowed to ride in any particular Class with a unicycle that fully conforms to a smaller Class. E.g. a 20 Class unicycle is allowed in a 24 Class race.

[note that "standard" may have to be changed to "regular", pending a change in 1D.1 Definitions, see Discussion 160.]


See Background.


Parent discussion:

Discussion about checking wheel size also in


View Discussion

Change Log:

Revision 3 changed by Klaas Bil (23 May 09:34)

1. Changed the table to have wheel size ranges as opposed to just maxima, so that any unicycle fits into only one size class. (Current exception: any unicycle fits in Unlimited Class.)
2. Allowed using a smaller class wheel unless otherwise specified.

Both these changes analogous to Discussion 156 and Proposal 81 for Track Racing.

Revision 2 changed by Klaas Bil (23 May 04:54)

Added specific Classes for fixed-distance races, required for Unicon and recommended for other conventions.

Some small text changes in the sentence about allowing small wheels in races > 20 km.

Revision 1 changed by Klaas Bil (23 May 04:45)

Votes on this proposal:

15 out of 18 voting members have voted.

Agree: 15, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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