Proposal 23: One Foot - adding the distance of the One Foot Race (addition to 2B.6.4) [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Track
Submitted on 2019-04-25
Status: Passed on May 12, 2019


This proposal is based on discussion #77, "Distance of the One Foot Race (add to 2B.6.4)".

Since there is no description of the distance of a One Foot Race in the current version of the rulebook this should be supplemented.


Old Rule:

2B.6.4 One Foot Race

Riders may pedal with both feet for the first 5 meters, but must be pedaling with only one foot after crossing the 5m line. The 5m line is judged by looking at the tire contact point. This means that the foot must have left the pedal when the unicycle tire is touching the 5m line on the track. The non-pedaling foot may or may not be braced against the unicycle fork.


New Rule:

2B.6.4 One Foot Race

The distance of the One Foot Race is 50m. Riders may pedal with both feet for the first 5 meters, but must be pedaling with only one foot after crossing the 5m line. The 5m line is judged by looking at the tire contact point. This means that the foot must have left the pedal when the unicycle tire is touching the 5m line on the track. The non-pedaling foot may or may not be braced against the unicycle fork.


The supplements are italicised in the new rule text. For more information and the the improvement of the proposal please look and comment into discussion#77: "Distance of the One Foot Race (add to 2B.6.4)".



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Votes on this proposal:

10 out of 10 voting members have voted.

Agree: 10, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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