Proposal 11: 14B.6.4 Face-off - Height of drop, player positioning, whistle to start play [ Revision 2 ]

Committee: Hockey
Submitted on 2018-11-19
Status: Passed on December 18, 2018


Cover off

height of ball drop

distance of players

referee whistle to start play



14B.6.4 Face-off

To resume the game without penalizing one of the teams, a face-off can be used. For the face-off, the Referee drops the ball between two opposing players. Play starts when the ball touches the ground. A face-off during the game is executed where the ball was when the game was interrupted. Exception: Within the goal area, the face-off is executed at the closest corner mark. 




14B.6.4 Face-off

To resume the game without penalizing one of the teams, a face-off can be used. For the face-off, the Referee drops the ball between two opposing players. The ball should be dropped from below hip height of players in the vicinity. One player from each team may take part in the face-off with all other players’ unicycles and sticks at a distance of at least 2.0m from the ball. Play starts when the ball touches the ground as signalled by the referees whistle. A face-off during the game is executed where the ball was when the game was interrupted. Exception: Within the goal area, the face-off is executed at the closest corner mark. 


This rule change puts more strict guidelines for height of ball drop, where other players may be placed in relation to the face-off and stipulates that the referee MUST blow the whistle as the ball hits the ground.



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Change Log:

Revision 2 changed by Steven Hughes (19 Nov 17:21)

changed wording

Revision 1 changed by Steven Hughes (19 Nov 17:17)

Votes on this proposal:

9 out of 11 voting members have voted.

Agree: 9, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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