Proposal 18: New Flatland Scoring [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Flatland
Submitted on 2019-03-26
Status: Passed on April 14, 2019


100% of people who voted agreed with this proposal however we didn't have enough people vote on this most likely because of not checking their email. (only 5 votes)

It would be nice to know that this didn't pass because people didn't like it not because they just didn't vote.

If we put this through again I will make an effort to go and hit up all the members individually to at least get them to vote. I believe this should go through again and be given proper attention.




It seems that we need to attribute a little more points to difficulty in flatland. While I do not disagree with this, making judging easy for judges is also really important

It becomes even easier to score because everything is /10. Difficulty is worth more, which I think makes most happy, consistency and variety a wroth a tad less and flow and last trick stay relatively the same. 


////////// OLD \\\\\\\\\\


DIFFICULTY (0 to 10 points): Score is given for technical difficulty of the tricks and combos landed during the battle/preliminary.

CONSISTENCY (0 to 10 points): Score is given for number of landed trick/combos on total of number of tricks/combos attempted during the battle/preliminary.

VARIETY (0 to 10 points): Score is given for variation in the types of tricks done during the battle/preliminary.

FLOW (0 to 5 points): Score is given for cleanliness and style of rider during the battle/preliminary.

LAST TRICK (0 to 5 points): Score is given for technical difficulty, novelty, creativity, and flow. The rider is not obligated to use all attempts or to try the same trick every attempt. Only the last attempt will be scored. Other failed attempts do not subtract from the score.

TOTAL (0 to 40 points)


////////// NEW \\\\\\\\\\

DIFFICULTY worth 25% of total score. Judges score /10 (score * 2.5 = weighed score)

CONSISTENCY worth 23% of total score. Judges score /10 (score * 2.3 = weighed score)

FLOW worth 20% of total score. Judges score /10 (score * 2 = weighed score)

VARIETY worth 18% of total score. Judges score /10 (score * 1.8 = weighed score)


LAST TRICK worth 14% of total score. Judges score /10 (score * 1.4 = weighed score)



We used this at Winter EUC'19. Judges were amazed by how much easier judging became with everything on 10. The results seemed to reflect what should have happened with the results.

It also reflects more what seems right on who should win a battle after a battle. It also takes no time to score battles if needed, if using a computer.

You can see how it looks in an excel sheet



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Votes on this proposal:

11 out of 10 voting members have voted.

Agree: 11, Disagree: 0, Abstain: 0.

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