Advanced category in Street at Unicon

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

Comments about this discussion:


At the last committee it came in affect that it is not allowed to have Advanced Flatland categories at Unicon, and I think it would be good to have it for Street too. This means that we would have the following categories:

- Junior Expert Street Female

- Junior Expert Street Male

- Expert Street Female

- Expert Street Male

If there are less than 3 competitors in a category, then it shall be merged with it's other level category. E.g. if there is only 1 competitor in Jr. Expert Street Female then the category is merged to Expert Street Female.

I do like having advanced category at other events such as EUC Summer as it is great motivation and fun for riders who are not elite, but I do think that at the World Championships we should only have the 4 categories listed above.


If the current idea of similar age groups will take effect, it would be included in those if I understood correctly.

But afaik it is planned to have no advanced category at all at any Unicon in the future. 


Totally agree 


I think we're all on the same page here. I'm not focusing on update street or [unexisting] slopestyle as I would like to create something new entirely.




Any comments on this? Can I make a proposal from the discussion? Are you guys agreeing to it?

@Steven, can I ask for your help with the wording please?


How about copying the text from 10D.4.


11D.4 Categories
There are no minimum categories other than male and female. If there are less than three females or less than three males overall, the male and female categories are merged.

11D.4 Categories
Male and female competitions should be offered in each of the following categories: Junior Expert (0-14), and Expert (15+). The Advanced category is optional however it is not allowed at Unicon. If there are less than 3 Junior Expert competitors, they may choose whether to compete in Expert or Advanced. If there are less than three females or less than three males overall, the male and female categories may be merged.




Sounds good


I can't seem to make a proposal for this so someone else will need to


You should be able to...


Connie, I like that. The only thing I would add is that if there are less than 3 Junior Expert competitors, then the category will be merged with Expert.

I believe it is ready to create a proposal from this discussion, right? 

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