Accuracy of published results (new rule)

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

Comments about this discussion:


Similar to Discussion for Track Racing (Discussion #113), I would like to propose for all Road Races, that results are recorded as whole seconds. Like for Track Racing, this originates from the World Record Committee, and the arguments are very similar to those in Track Racing.

If there are no objections I will write a proposal soon, borrowing from Proposal #59 (which regulates the same for Track Racing).


I am in favor. 


I agree.


Please make a proposal. Due to the deadline, keep it simple for now and add the required text in the next day or so.


I have revised the proposal. This one started out as a derivative of Proposal 59 for Track Races. That one has received some edits after discussion, see discussion 113. Similar edits are warranted here, I think.

Therefore, I have added the section in italic (in the proposal), drawing from proposal 59 which regulates the same issue for Track Racing.

I have added "or other accurate mothod", because we're talking whole seconds here. A regular consumer-type video or still picture, or even eye witnesses as to who came first, would be sufficient if a Photo Finish system is not used. I realise that it would be difficult to get an exact +0.456 (or similar) value, but in my opinion some guessing is allowed because this is only meant as a clarification why two (or maybe more) riders having the exact same time in whole seconds don't have a tie in placings.

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