12B.5.4 Definition Of “Cleaning” - exiting in control is not required

This discussion has an associated proposal. View Proposal Details here.

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In point three of 12B.5.4 Definition Of “Cleaning”, we have:

Exiting the section. A rider exits a section when their wheel fully cross over

the finish line, or are within a defined finish area (such as a taped circle on top

of a boulder). There is no requirement to exit in control. If a rider falls across

the defined finish line but manages to exit without dabbing, they have cleaned the


I think that we should require the rider to be in control when finishing a section. Thoughts?


Not sure how I feel about this as I don't do enough trials,


I feel Mark, Dan Cormeau, Erik and Tim would be a good reference for this


That's very good that you brought this up Scott; thank you!

I understand the original thought behind the rule, but the practice is a bit different. At most of the trials competitions the finish areas are not defined this way - usually there are no marked lines that you have to cross or a taped circle you have to land it. In most cases, the end of the line is to drop down to the ground after the last obstacle; and the practice is that if you don't land in control, you may repeat the line. I think it would be great to update this rule according to these (but also to keep the possibility to have a marked finish line).




Could you draft a new rule text? As I'm not a trials rider, I don't think I'm the best one to do it.



Ok, so in my opinion it should contain the following:

- If there is a marked finish line, then the current rule applies (perhaps with an update to stay in control?).

- If there is a marked finish area (e.g. a taped circle, a pallet to land on, etc.) the rider has to land in the area and remain in control after landing.

- If there is no marked finish area (e.g. the section ends by jumping down to the ground after the last obstacle), then the rider has to stay in control after landing.

These are my thoughts, would be good to hear other people's opinion and then we can focus on the wording :)




Since we only have two days left to submit a proposal, let's create some wording and we can update it as needed. The proposal must be submitted, but can be revised still.


I agree with Mark.

I think that you always should stay in control no matter if its a finish line, a marked finish area or a non marked finish area.


To me the obvious thing to include would be to remain mounted for three seconds after landing in the designated area/zone. That would bring it into line with the jumps definition of 'in control'.


My general sense agrees with Edd as well.




12B.5.4 Definition Of “Cleaning”

Cleaning a section is defined as follows:

1. Riding into a section. This is defined as the moment a rider’s tire crosses over the start line.

2. Riding through the section without “dabbing”. Dabbing is defined as follows:

 a. Allowing any part of the rider’s body to touch the ground or obstacle. If loose clothing brushes against the ground or obstacle but does not influence the rider’s balance, then this is acceptable (does not constitute a dab).

b. Allowing any part of the cycle except the tire, rim, spokes, crank arms, pedals,or bearing caps to touch the ground or obstacle.

c. Riding or hopping outside the boundaries of the defined section. The unicycle must be within the boundaries of the section at all times, even if the rider is in the air (for example, a rider cannot hop over a section boundary that turns a corner, even if they land back inside the section).

 d. Breaking the flagging tape or other markers that are delineating a section boundary. Touching or stretching the tape does not constitute a dab, as long as the unicycle remains inside the section boundary.

 e. Riding a section in any way that is not consistent with the instructions outlined for that problem.

3. Exiting the section. A rider exits a section when their wheel fully cross over the finish line, or are within a defined finish area (such as a taped circle on top of a boulder). There is no requirement to exit in control. If a rider falls across the defined finish line but manages to exit without dabbing, they have cleaned the section.



12B.5.4 Definition Of “Cleaning”

Cleaning a section is defined as follows:

1. Riding into a section. This is defined as the moment a rider’s tire crosses over the start line.

2. Riding through the section without “dabbing”. Dabbing is defined as follows:

 a. Allowing any part of the rider’s body to touch the ground or obstacle. If loose clothing brushes against the ground or obstacle but does not influence the rider’s balance, then this is acceptable (does not constitute a dab).

b. Allowing any part of the cycle except the tire, rim, spokes, crank arms, pedals,or bearing caps to touch the ground or obstacle.

c. Riding or hopping outside the boundaries of the defined section. The unicycle must be within the boundaries of the section at all times, even if the rider is in the air (for example, a rider cannot hop over a section boundary that turns a corner, even if they land back inside the section).

 d. Breaking the flagging tape or other markers that are delineating a section boundary. Touching or stretching the tape does not constitute a dab, as long as the unicycle remains inside the section boundary.

 e. Riding a section in any way that is not consistent with the instructions outlined for that problem.

3. Exiting the section. A rider exits a section when their wheel fully cross over the finish line, or are within a defined finish area (such as a taped circle on top of a boulder). In the case where a section has no finish line to cross, a rider must finish in control demonstrated by remaining mounted for 3 seconds after clearing the section.




I like it Steven, thanks! 

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