Do not use accuracy scores to determine judging panel (Closed for comments)

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7C.4.2 Assignment Of Age Group and Category Judges and 7C.4.3 Assignment Of Expert (And Junior Expert) Judges make reference to accuracy scores to determine judges. We no longer use accuracy scores.

Here's the text:


... The final selection of judges will be chosen based on their accuracy scores from the remaining list.




Qualifications are determined in the following order of importance:

• Highest judging accuracy scores obtained while judging age group (age groups judges must have a minimum of five entrants) or other Jr. Expert and Expert events.


I think the solution for the Expert judge selection rule is easy, just remove this bullet point. For age group judges, the text needs to be updated to something like: "The final selection of judges will be chosen based on their level of experience."

Let me know your thoughts and I can write up a proposal that we can then tweak.


Additionally, sections 7C.4.6 Reinstating Judges and 7C.4.7 Calculating Accuracy Scores should be removed, since we no longer do this.


I’m fine with your suggestion.


Not sure I agree with this. I've been looking at a sampling of judging results from recent events. In the past, these scores were used to remove bad judges.

I would agree to give it less weight for the choosing of Expert Judges (7C.4.3).


Connie, can you share where you're finding this? I know that in the past the Chief Judge has opted to remove scores if they were out of range or seemed bias. However, there was no Judge Accuracy Score calculated. Having acted as Chief Judge I certainly have a list in my head of qualified, fair, experienced judges but this wasn't based on a score.

Perhaps we need to amend the suggested statement to: The final selection of judges will be chosen based on their previous judging experience." To me this implies more that all pieces of their previous experience will be taken into account.


The accuracy scores may have only been in UCP (the older off-line computer program used for judging).


I believe you are correct, Connie.

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